Survey Ginni is a venture of Frametrics Consulting Private Limited having address at 139/1, 2nd Floor, Humayunpur, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi - 110029 ('Frametrics') ['Frametrics' includes its parents, subsidiaries and affiliates, assignees, transferee]. Survey Ginni is a platform which collects various types of data through online channel, presently through mobile application by hosting survey and floating survey questionnaire in which individuals enter individual feedback and choices about various goods and services. These collected data undergo scrutiny imparting logic and checks to provide clean data to the researcher. These clean data directly provided by individuals aids organizations, companies and industries in making strategic decisions at multiple levels which in turn boosts business prospects and revenue generation.

Survey Ginni platform does all these primarily through application of cutting-edge technology. Survey GinniTM has inbuilt validation tools for text data entry which performs standard validation like maximum and minimum range of value for phone number, email id and its verification, pincode validation, maximum number of selections for a checkbox, skipping of questions based on previous response, etc. In the background, data collected through Survey GinniTM is monitored through a dashboard and, if required, updates the questionnaire as per the study.

Thus this entire process of hosting and conducting survey through Survey Ginni platform involves stake holders such as 1. Survey Ginni as Super Admin, 2. Associate Partners, 3. Clients, and 4. Respondents. All these stakeholders together comprise Survey Ginni, where Super Admin is the Survey Ginni platform coordinator, Clients are those who engage to conduct a study of specific goods/ service, Respondents are those individuals who create account on Survey Ginni to participate in surveys, and Associate Partner is the one who is responsible to bring in Respondents and also to bring in Clients. In Survey Ginni, Respondents are to use mobile based application via One Time Password (OTP) based login to give their feedback and choices, while the remaining stake holders have to use username and password to login to Survey Ginni platform via web browser. This process of Survey Ginni is an incentive based model.

Thus in course of collecting and processing data and sharing of incentive money with stakeholders Associate Partner and Respondent, dealing with huge amount of data occurs every day, of which some are identified globally as personal data. This privacy policy governs and sets out as to how at Survey Ginni, data are handled at various stages and its governing policy.


  1. Account User means user of accounts created in Survey Ginni platform as Respondent, Associate Partner, Customer/ Client. This also includes any account created by Survey Ginni Team as Super Admin.
  2. Anonymisation in relation to personal data means the irreversible process of transforming or converting personal data to a form in which an individual cannot be identified.
  3. Appropriate Authority means Authority established under law in data region.
  4. Associate Partner Any corporation or company or legal entity, incorporated in India who have experience and qualifications regarding operation and conducting of survey, have considerable public reach out as well as have contacts across various industries, and have the ability to encourage individuals to participate in surveys conducted on Survey Ginni and in course refer individuals to create account on Survey Ginni Application and also bring to Frametrics industry players who are interested in conducting a survey with Survey Ginni Applications can become an Associate Partner in lieu of incentives given by Frametrics for work done by Associate Partner.
  5. Automated means any equipment capable of operating automatically in response to instructions given for the purpose of processing data, with or without using internet.
  6. Child means individual whose age is below the age of 18 years.
  7. Consent of Individual means any freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of Individual's wishes by which he or she, by a statement or by a clear affirmative action (such as accepting terms, ticking box), signifies agreement to the processing of personal data relating to him or her. A. Customer or Client is an organisation or any individual or an industry player who has hired Frametrics to conduct survey for the organisation or for them by using Survey Ginni Application for valuable consideration.
  8. Data means and includes any data of an Account User, a representation of information, facts, concepts, opinions, or instructions in a manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by humans or by automated means. Data may be of nature financial data, genetic data, personal data and sensitive personal data. a. Financial Data means any data including Personal Data which is used to identify an account opened by, or card or payment instrument issued by a financial institution to a data principal or any personal data regarding the relationship between a financial institution and of a person (including both individual and juristic) including financial status and credit history. b. Genetic Data means any personal data relating to the inherited or acquired genetic characteristics of a natural person which give unique information about the behavioural characteristics, physiology or the health of that natural person and which result, in particular, from an analysis of a biological sample from the natural person in question. c. Personal Data means data about or relating to a natural person who is directly or indirectly identifiable, having regard to any characteristic, trait, attribute or any other feature of the identity of such natural person, or any combination of such features, or any combination of such features with any other information. d. Sensitive Personal Data means personal data of Individual revealing, related to, or constituting, passwords, financial data, health data, official identifier, sex life, sexual orientation, biometric data, genetic data, transgender status, intersex status, religious preferences, caste or tribe, religious or political belief or affiliation.
  9. Data Principal means natural person to whom the Personal Data relates to.
  10. Data Region is a set of data centres located within a defined geographical area where data is stored.
  11. De-identification means the process by which a data fiduciary or data processor may remove, or mask identifiers from personal data, or replace them with such other fictitious name or code that is unique to an individual but does not, on its own, directly identify Individual.
  12. Individual means individual Account User, Customer or Client, Visitors of Website, and Respondents but does not include employee.
  13. Personal Choices and feedbacks means data which are provided by the Respondent are answer to questions asked in survey questionnaire and are not Personal Data.
  14. Personal Data breach means any unauthorised or accidental disclosure, acquisition, sharing, use, and alteration, and destruction, loss of access to, of personal data that compromises the confidentiality, integrity or availability of personal data to a Data Principal.
  15. Processing in relation to personal data, means an operation or set of operations performed on personal data, and may include operations such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation, alteration, retrieval, use, alignment or combination, indexing, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, restriction, erasure or destruction.
  16. Profiling means any form of processing of personal data that analyses or predicts aspects concerning the behaviour, attributes or interest of an Individual.
  17. Pseudonymisation means the processing of personal data in such a manner that the personal data can no longer be attributed to a specific Individual without the use of additional information, provided that such additional information is kept separately and is subject to technical and organisational measures to ensure that the personal data are not attributed to an identified or identifiable natural person.
  18. Respondent Respondent is defined as any individual of legal age (equal to or more than 18 years of age), who is competent to enter into contract, who has voluntarily created an account with Survey Ginni Application and is also maintaining the account to participate willingly in one or more surveys conducted by Frametrics by willingly sharing personal details and information, preferences, choices, experience, opinion and is willing to receive incentive money in return of his/ her such participation in survey.
  19. Survey Ginni Team means group or team of individuals who are responsible for core works of Survey Ginni platform.
  20. "you" and "your", "yourself" refer to Individual or Associate Partner or Client/ Customer or visitors who uses in one or more ways Survey Ginni services or Survey Ginni platforms or website
  21. Visitor means an individual who visits the Website or social media pages, software app, visits our offices, or interacts with us either through online or offline mode or through both online and offline mode.
  22. "we", "our" and "us" refer to Survey Ginni.
  23. Website refers to, Survey Ginni android mobile app, and any other electronic environment.


At Survey Ginni we understand that right to privacy is a fundamental right and we respect privacy of Individual and are committed to protect Individual's Personal Data obtained in one or more manner / modes set out in this privacy policy, such data may be provided/ supplied to us by you either as Account User or as Visitor. At Survey Ginni we process the data in fair and reasonable way, and in lawful manner.

This Privacy Policy hosted describes and reveals how Survey Ginni collects, uses, process, stores, shares and protects personal information which are supplied/ provided to us when any natural person uses our services which are offered through software platform accessible through electronic devices and domain name


  1. Objective of this Privacy Policy is to inform the standardized practices and procedures for the protection of personal information by Survey Ginni.
  2. Another objective of this Privacy Policy is to respect, protect the privacy of all natural persons who have disclosed personal information to us and which we collect, process, share and store, authorized entities as required by legitimate business need following laid down legal guidelines.
  3. Another objective of this Privacy Policy is to inform you about the process to delete, update, transfer and/ or access your personal information.
  4. Through this Privacy Policy, we indicate broadly the manner of collection of data, processing of data, sharing of data, storage and retention of data and protection of data, cross border transfer of data, data protection officer details. This privacy Policy explain the type of personal data collected, manner it is processed, details of data protection officer, consent to data processing, cross-border transfer, retention, sharing, disclosure, contact details, etc.
  5. Other objective of this Privacy Policy is to assist you in making informed decisions when using the Website or mobile application.


  1. This Privacy Policy applies to the collection, use, storage, processing and disclosure of personal data and/or information by Survey Ginni on and through mobile sites, applications or social media (the "Website") as well as to information collected through telephone communications or by any other means not expressly referred in this privacy policy.
  2. This Privacy Policy does not apply to third party websites that may be accessible through hyperlinks hosted on Survey Ginni website and in mobile application. That such third party website is guided by each of its privacy policy. Survey Ginni do not control any third party website to which you may be directed and such redirection shall not be interpreted in the sense that Survey Ginni endorse such third party website and products & services offered therein are entirely by such third party.
  3. This privacy policy is applicable to all who visit the website as Visitors, who participate in surveys and/ or uses any service offered by Survey Ginni by way of creating an account with us, in one or more ways either as Respondents or a Customers/ Client, employees of Survey Ginni who are involved in operating, maintenance, Survey Ginni Team, and to all and any person who in one way or the other interact with Survey Ginni either through website or through mobile application or through any other offline or online means.
  4. This Privacy Policy explains how Survey Ginni through its website collects, uses, process, store and share and discloses data and/ or information about Individuals.
  5. That this Privacy Policy is integrally related and/ or connected with our Terms of Usage of Survey Ginni and that we recommend making yourself absolutely aware of content of both the Privacy Policy and Terms of usage and indicating your express consent in order to continue with this website or mobile application, as the case may be.
  6. That by using our Website in any manner, such as browsing, participating, interacting or otherwise, you indicate that you agree with the terms of our Privacy Policy and also agree with our Terms of Use. In case you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, you should not use our Website or our mobile application and you should immediately leave our website or delete/suspend any account created.
  7. This Privacy Policy may undergo updates and modifications, from time to time, to meet privacy standards. All Account Users are recommended to keep themselves updated at regular interval and to follow such modifications/ changes in the Privacy Policy.


For accessing and/ or surfing through our Website and/ or mobile application, by using our services, in capacity of Account User or as Visitors, you agree to the Terms of Use by expressly marking/ indicating your free voluntary consent thereto. We do not offer and/ or cover any transfer and disclosure of any Personal Choices and Feedbacks in response to surveys hosted by Survey Ginni or otherwise supplied to Survey Ginni by any Account User is liable for any and all disclosure of information made by him/ her in such events. Account User may contact Survey Ginni Team for any query and/ or clarification. Survey Ginni do not collect any Sensitive Personal Data or any Personal Data from any Visitor. That Terms of Use and this Privacy Policy are integrally related and you agree to have gone through both the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy and have understood the purport and objective of collecting, processing, storing and disclosing analysed and/ or processed data for our all such specific business purposes which are clearly set out in the Website. That you indicate / give your express consent to such use, process, storage and disclosure of data/ information freely and voluntarily out of your own free will after reading through the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy and is your informed decision. Analysed data includes pseudonymised Personal Data, and Personal choices and Feedbacks to the extent required for survey, for making payment of incentive money, for verifying authenticity of responses, etc. With consenting to Terms of Use and to this Privacy Policy do not take away any of your right and you note that we also retain our right to defend ourselves through legal proceeding on event of any dispute arising involving this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use. Where it is mandated and/ or required under law or an Order/ directions from Court of Law, we may disclose any data irrespective of your consent.

If a Child is giving consent, we do not recognise such consent as any valid consent.


Survey Ginni collects personal data, Personal Choices and Feedbacks / information about Account User to the extent required to meet objective of Survey Ginni and to perform functions of Survey Ginni. We use cookies. Collected data includes your name, contact information, family information, lifestyle, social circumstance, age, date of birth, marital status, children, employment details like company name, name of contact, title of contact of company, address, mobile number, etc., email address, user name and password, and billing information which may include debit and credit card numbers and expiry date, log details like browser type, internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, operating system, date/time stamp, and/or click stream data, services you have ordered, information you voluntarily provided, information of participant in survey, email address, your gender, zip code, answers to the survey and survey question, communications with Survey Ginni, your IP address, your friend's email id. Survey Ginni through the Website and mobile application collects and analyzes aggregate visitor information, including the domain name, visited surveys, referring URLs, and other publicly available information.


  1. We may use Cookies to deliver customized content to you and through cookies, Website and/ or mobile application distinguishes you from other Account Users or Visitors of Survey Ginni. This helps us to provide you with enhanced experience when you browse our website or use our mobile application and also allows us to improve our services. By continuing to browse the site or using our mobile application, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Cookies contain information that is transferred to hard drive of your device
  2. We use cookies which are required to enable core site functionality.
  3. We use cookies which allow us to analyze site usage so we can measure and improve performance.
  4. We use cookies that are used by advertising companies to serve ads that are relevant to your interests.
  5. We have no control over cookies placed in hard drive of your device by any third party providing external services.


We collect personal data of individual for the following business purposes:

  1. We collect data to provide services primarily survey reports to our Customers/ Client, and to perform and meet our incidental contractual obligations, marketing activities, provide and improve our support services associated with our business purposes.
  2. We collect data on the basis of free and voluntary consent of Individual and/ or in fair and legitimate manner for our business interests in improving our overall services, software and website experiences for Individuals, to provide customer support, to make payments.
  3. We collect data to improve your overall experience with us through customization of advertisements, recommendations, etc. the content of our pages for each website visitor.
  4. We also maintain a database of this information for our internal purposes like notifications to customers regarding any modification/ change, to provide technical support, marketing activities, to give survey notifications.
  5. We collect data for Website operation and improvement, software app operation and improvement, service to our customers, to improve look, feel and performance of our website, to make our services more viable to market our services, to build and maintain our relationship with our customers to provide our online services to our customers.
  6. We collect data including Personal Data, Personal Choices and Feedbacks to cross check and authenticate the survey responses of the Respondents.


  1. By Automated means on our website and online services platforms. Your visit to our Website and/ or using or navigating through our online mobile services platform, may be identified by our servers to capture data that may be used to identify you, your device details such as IP address, device identifier, and information about your device such as the operating system, time zone setting, language setting, browser settings, and browser plug ins, preferences, and may also capture information about referring site, time and duration of your visit per pages in the Website or login made in mobile application, and your movement from one page to another, scrolling activity, etc. We use cookies for this purpose. For device we collect device information and browser data through which you access our services and navigate through our Website or access mobile application and collect information about device type, device ID/MAC address IP address, operating system version, system and performance information, and browser type, etc. We collect information through usage and user statistics. We collect data/ information through log files/ data which record data of server access by a device, IP addresses, internet service providers, and viewed ?les like HTML pages, graphics; operating system versions, and timestamps.
  2. From Our Advertisers We release advertisements through advertisers which may get released in third party sites as per policy of our advertisers. In all such cases, where you reach our Website by way of clicking the advertisement, such advertiser are responsible for the collection, use and disclosure of the data to us in accordance with advertiser's own privacy policies which you are suggested to go through.
  3. Through communications with You We collect personal data that you provide to us as part of a communication with us. This communication may be of type through chat service available on our Website, email, filling up and submission of a web form, through response submitted in surveys, disclosure of contact number, addresses, preferences, interest, and/ or through non-electronic mode like face to face interaction in any meeting, or event, through referrals, etc. Through this mode of data collection we collect information/ data like name, occupation details, Employer Company, email address, phone number, preferences, etc.
  4. From our Account User:

    As an Account User, you need to disclose us some of your information and have to accept our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and during this process we collect data your name, details, username, password and email address, financial data and such other data required for the purpose of creating account.
  5. From Billing information:

    While you make a payment to us, we require you to provide and we collect your billing details, name, address, email address and financial information corresponding to your selected method of payment like credit card number and expiration date or a bank account number, etc.
  6. Data provided by you or your organization to create and maintain the Survey Ginni account:

    If you are Associate Partner or Client we collect the name and business contact information of such Account Users and Customers/ Clients, and their account credentials (user name and password). We collect financial data for the purpose of processing payments. We also collect e-wallet details of Respondents for paying the incentive money.
  7. From Our Marketing Vendors, Partners, and Resellers

    In course of our services and business, we build relationships with other companies who are Marketing Vendors, Reseller, etc. which help us market, sell and deliver our services and identify potential clients. Such Marketing Vendors, Reseller may collect personal data. In all such data we apply the same stringent privacy policy as we do in our direct collection through mobile application. We also collect data by combining two or more modes described herein before, to collect more detailed insight of Account User and their preferences.


  1. Survey Ginni is a platform primarily providing service of surveys. This Survey Ginni platform can be used by Respondents through individual mobile using mobile OTP, while Associate Partner and Clients are to operate their account through website using username and password.
  2. In Survey Ginni processing of Respondent's response is based on consent, a Respondent may withdraw consent at any time by contacting us. However, withdrawal of consent will not affect any processing done to the data prior to you withdrawing your consent nor it will affect processing of data for any lawful instructions.
  3. Survey Ginni processes your personal data for the very specific requirement of services we offer and such processing may involve anonymisation or pseudonymisation.
  4. We offer our services in multiple data regions and data collected in any particular data region is processed in that particular data region. In case of user accounts data of the user is processed in the country of user. For example, Users with accounts located in Survey Ginni's European Data Region, all Personal Data is processed in European Economic Area, for Users with accounts in United States of America (US) and Canada, all Personal Choices and Feedbacks is processed solely in the respective country. For Account Users with accounts in our Asia Pacific Data Region, all Personal Data is processed in Singapore. We do not transmit data between Data Regions.


  1. We are committed to protecting and enforcing your privacy rights in your use of and access to Survey Ginni products and services and your personal information / data will be protected in accordance with this privacy policy and in accordance with law in fair and reasonable manner.
  2. We collect and process your personal data for clear specific purpose set out in our Website and in mobile application and we no longer retain your personal data longer than it is necessary to fulfil the purpose for which those data/ information was collected.
  3. We retain personal data only for as long as necessary to fulfil the purpose of its collection, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements. To determine the appropriate retention period for personal data, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of such personal data, the purposes for which we process personal data and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements.
  4. Due to lack of storage facility in Survey Ginni, we recollect data as and when required for the purpose of surveys and payments purpose, or otherwise only very basic details are kept as record.


  1. We may disclose information collected by us or choices, feedbacks & responses provided to us by our Account User, Customers/ Clients for any service offered by us.
  2. We may disclose your personal details to the extent required to process billing, to provide customer support and to deliver online and offline marketing communications of your interest.
  3. We may disclose your Personal Data, if at all available with us and if required by law, such as to comply with any court order, or other law or legal process, when we believe in good faith that failure to disclose may adversely affect your and/ or ours rights, safety and/ or disclosure will assist to investigate fraud, or respond to a governmental or regulatory request.
  4. We may also disclose your personal data to enforce our rights arising from any contracts entered into between you and us and for billing and collection.
  5. We may disclose your information (excluding any Personal Data) to other buyers and / or to our successor, as the case may be.
  6. We may disclose your personal information in response to any event which may arise, and when such disclosure will be a reasonable disclosure as a course of action from our end.
  7. We do not involve in any activity that results in Personal Data breach.


You have the following data protection rights:

  1. You can access, review, change, update or delete your personal information at any time by contacting us .......
  2. You can remove your information from our server by requesting a removal of your personal information by contacting us at ......, subject to condition that no removal can occur for already processed data.
  3. In case you have user account with us, you can remove your information by deleting your account.
  4. We at Survey Ginni do not discriminate amongst Individuals.
  5. You have right to access your Personal Data which you have saved in your account in Survey Ginni.
  6. For any privacy issue, which is not set out herein, you can contact us at .......
  7. If you are a resident of the European Economic Area, you can object to processing of your Personal Choices and Feedbacks, ask us to restrict processing of your personal information or request portability of your personal information and you can exercise this control and right by writing to us at ......
  8. If you elect not to receive any further communication from us, you can unsubscribe by clicking the "unsubscribe" link in the email, by emailing ..... or simply by deleting your account.
  9. If we have collected and processed your personal information with your consent, then you can withdraw your consent at any time. However, withdrawing your consent will not affect any processing done to your data prior to you withdrawing the consent not it will affect subsequent lawful processing done on grounds other than consent.
  10. You have right to complain to a data protection authority about our collection and use of your personal information of your data region.
  11. We store and process information in such manner that data undergoes anonymisation and/ or pseudonymisation making you not readily identifiable to anyone, and in case you exercise any of your rights regarding your personal data/ information, we require your specific identity to look into any violation alleged.
  12. If you are a Respondent, we do not store your Personal Data, except for some very basic details.
  13. We use personal information like Personal Choices and Feedbacks where the processing is in our legitimate business interests, or where we need it to perform a contract with you. In some cases, we may ask for your consent or have a legal obligation to collect Personal Data from you.
  14. If you have any questions about or need further information concerning the legal basis on which we collect, process and use your personal information, including any legitimate interests relied upon herein, and this privacy policy is not enough for you, please contact us through 'CONTACT US' section of our Website .......
  15. On any event of any conflict between this Privacy Policy and applicable law of a region, the provisions of applicable law of that particular region shall prevail.


  1. We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time, and without prior notice, by posting an amended Privacy Policy that is always accessible by clicking on the "Privacy Policy" link on this Website. You are suggested to visit Privacy Policy and make yourself aware of such modification. Your continued use of this site indicates your acceptance of the amended Privacy Policy. You should check the Privacy Policy periodically for modifications.


At Survey Ginni we take every possible steps and measures to ensure protection of Personal Data from any breach. We also have mechanism in place to make voluntary notification to you and to Appropriate Authority about any event of data breach.


Data Protection Officer deals with matters relating to privacy and data protection issue and can be contacted at the following address:


For any further query regarding the data privacy, plearite us to: